Melissa Benedek is a native New Yorker, who grew up amongst the...
Melissa, a lifelong artist, began her creative journey wielding a pencil at...
In the Art Gotham Atelier: On View | September 12 to October...
Phoebe Jamieson is a multidisciplinary Australian artist working in both painting and...
October 24 to November 9Opening Reception: October 24 from 6 to 9pm...
Pre-Winter Blues A Group Exhibit in Soho @ 478 West Broadway Works...
Guy Stanley Philoche was born in Haiti in 1977. In 1980,...
Tal Placido is a multidisciplinary artist based in Central New York and...
September 12 to October 12Opening Reception: September 12 from 6 to 9pm...
Southern cultures, showcasing a disciplined Southern cultures, showcasing a disciplined and refined approach. Yet,...
We are excited to announce our participation in VOLTA New York from...